I like three-dimensional puzzles, but sometimes I feel like challenging flat puzzles, like pentominoes.
I used to play with pentominoes when I was small, and honestly, I got tired of it a little. So, I had been looking for something else. Then, a good opportunity came. Juno gave me some timber that couldn't be used for normal sized puzzles.
It was the time for making mini-puzzles!
I wanted to make something that had not ever been made. What I decided to make was T-16 designed by Juno in 1990. As you can guess from the name, T-16 has 16 T shaped pieces and each piece has a different length. Here is a picture of T-16's pieces. You see, there are odd shaped T pieces.
However, it was difficult to make a box with no gaps.
Just in case I made mistakes, I made five boxes for four pairs of T-16s. The results were, luckily, I could make five boxes well.
The boxes I made are for the packing of 8 x 8 for the lower level and 6 x 6 for the upper level. This is a little awkward shaped isn't it? I haven't played with it yet, but I'm sure it's not as easy as it looks.
What? Why did I make four pairs of T16?
One day you'll understand.