15 Apr 2018

Puzzles which are misunderstood

If you hear the word "puzzle", what image comes to your mind first?
Some people imagine Rubik's Cube, some imagine jigsaw puzzles or puzzles that can be played by writing on paper, for example, crossword puzzles and sudoku. Actually, these are the most popular and famous, but unfortunately, other puzzles are not well known in general.

Pluredro puzzle

Penta Cuboid + T-groove Box

When my husband and I went to a hospital for checking our health conditions to get visas, a receptionist asked us what kind of job we are doing. We answered that we make puzzles. She smiled and was interested. Every time we explain our business, people look curious. The impression of puzzles seems to be fun and people respond favorably. Despite people's favorable reaction, I guess puzzles are misunderstood.

I know there is a disagreement regarding what puzzles are. When it comes to define puzzles, one of the biggest puzzle collectors and designers, Nobuyuki Yoshigahara, who died in 2004, explained it. I don't remember exactly what Nob said but it was roughly like this. Puzzles don't require prior knowledge but can be played with wisdom.
In that sense, crossword puzzles are not puzzles because you need to have the knowledge of vocabulary. Jigsaw puzzles are puzzles because you don't need knowledge to solve it.

Mirii CFT – Polyhedral shape interlocking burr puzzle

I don't know if it's only me or not, but I have met several people who think puzzles are children's toys. If I say my husband and I are making wooden puzzles, wooden toy images seem to appear in their minds. It's difficult to explain what puzzles we are making, (you know, I'm not a native English speaker.) So, I have some pictures of our products in my iPhone to show them which is very convenient, otherwise, it's complicated to explain, as an explanation would be abstract and sometimes becomes mathematical, leading to people losing interest soon.

Pseudo Ovolo – interlocking burr puzzle

There are so many kinds of amusements in the world and puzzles are not very popular compared with others. Rubik's Cubes are sold worldwide and it's exceptional. If a new worldwide popular puzzle like Rubik's Cube is invented and released, people might focus their attention to puzzles a bit more but I don't think it is very likely.

I hope the day when I don't have to bring puzzle pictures in my iPhone will come. 


  1. I also come across this issue when I explain that one of my hobbies is puzzles. I usually describe the puzzles I like as 'more physical and intricate than jigsaw puzzles, with lots of moving parts that you have to unlock somehow.' I think if I say 'puzzle box' they get a little better idea of what I mean, but there are still many other types of puzzle! It's frustrating to explain.

  2. I know it's frustrating to explain. I recommend you to save some puzzle pictures in your mobile phone.
