6 Dec 2022

My Challenge to Make a Marble Run Machine - The Ball Rising Function

It was a hot day today. I didn't feel like doing anything, but I tried to be motivated to design a marble run machine. Luckily, I could make a little progress. The rough idea of one of three systems of raising balls became specific, and I drew it on 3D software. After I finished drawing, I experimented with the system to make sure it worked well.

Luckily, there are plenty of timber off-cuts. I made some holes using the CNC router and tested how a ball rotates. I always realize that even though I thought I considered a mechanism well, something that I didn't expect happens. Therefore, the experiment is crucial.

I always knew that I wanted to make something that nobody had thought of. However, it's arduous unless I'm a genius. I try to not use the same design as others made, yet after all, what I thought of were not exactly the same, but very close. Honestly, I wanted to make something more unique, maybe next time.

The other two ball-rising functions' designs have been decided. One is the chain, and the other is a cam function. I have already made sure these two could work well. Therefore, this disc function was the last one. If I could complete it, the mechanism of moving balls from the bottom to the top is getting closer to accomplish.

As you can imagine, rolling balls down to the lower level is easy. Pulling balls to a higher level is a bit tough. If I could complete these three functions, I would be relieved a little.

The details of these functions will be released when my first marble run machine is completed. Until then, the details of my marble run machine are secret. There is no reason to keep them secret, but I believe it's much more fun to see the marble run machine without advanced information when it's completed.

Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow's highest temperature will be hotter than my body temperature. I don't know how much progress I am able to make. Hopefully, I would like to make some gear tomorrow.


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