7 Sept 2018

Scolded by a lizard

I was born and grew up in Japan and hadn't seen large lizards. Here in Australia, there are lots of large lizards living and one large lizard seems to live in my yard.

One day, I came home from the local supermarket and found a large lizard was sitting in front of the garage. I wanted to park my car inside of it, but the lizard didn't want to move at all. Lizards in Japan run away quickly when they see a human. Australian lizards don't care about humans.

I couldn't park my car and got out of the car and got closer to the lizard. It looked at me without hesitation. I expected if I got closer to it, the lizard should have run away.
Then, what happened was the lizard got angry at me. I didn't expect it at all. What a surprise, I was scolded by the lizard!
He seemed to take offense at me and threatened me. I know he was a descendant of dinosaurs and he is large as a lizard, but luckily, he was smaller than me. I took a long branch and moved it in front of him, and finally he left reluctantly.

It was funny that the lizard seemed like declaring "I have a right to stay here!" Yes, you were right.
You and your ancestors have been living here for a long time. I'm a new resident, I promise you that I'm not going to interrupt your afternoon sleep, except you are sleeping in front of the garage.


  1. This is an interesting story about your big lizards. They seem proud and deservedly so. When out walking on paths, a few times I come across poisonous snakes here called Cottonmouth. Usually snakes move away if you stomp the ground (at least where I grew up in Colorado). Here in southeast Texas they ignore me and I have to walk around. They don't become aggressive, but they don't move either. Once, unknowingly, I stepped over one in a pile of dead leaves, its head came up! I hopped up and out of the way. Then I turned around and thanked the snake for not biting me, only warning me. Whew!

    1. Wow, you stepped over a snake! You were lucky that it didn't chase after you. I have encountered a brown snake that is one of deadly poisonous snakes. Luckily, I was inside of the house and watched it thorough the glass door, but it came toward me. They are very aggressive.
