11 Jun 2024

My Challenge to Make a Marble Run Machine - Simplified Connecting Coil and A Windmill

I've made some improvements on my marble run. As I wrote in the previous post, there was an issue with dropping balls when one of the parts, Seven Arrows, received two balls simultaneously.

I carefully watched the Seven Arrows' movement and found that the balls' dropping position needed to be revised. The balls dropped and touched behind the arrow, so they rolled outside.


I realized there would only be a complete correction with remaking the board supporting the Seven Arrows. 

Since I still had the board's data, I widened the distance by 8mm (0.31496 inch) between the left-hand side and right-hand side arrows. I didn't have a specific reason for my widened 8mm. It was just a rough hunch, but it worked well.

The next task was to reduce the speed of the balls that rolled on a rail after they passed through the Pachinko Disk. Their speed was too fast, and some balls jumped out of the rail. I put an extra bracket in the middle of the rail just for a trial, and it worked well. However, I wanted to use something more fun to look at. Then, a windmill came to mind.

At first, I made a windmill with four blades. However, it was small, and I made a seven-blade windmill. It looked like a flower and was good. Here is the Seven-blade Windmill.

Seeing the marble run filled about 70 or 80% with various components is nice. However, there was one issue. Two elements had no connection to other parts, so I couldn't play the marble run. If I turn the handle, the balls drop from those components. Waiting until it's finished is no fun.

While wondering what to do, I found a good video, "How To Make A Marble Run Machine Spiral Coil." B-dama Friend provided the video. On the channel, there are many marble runs created with cardboard.
One of the videos shows how to make a coil using aluminium wires. It was a great idea and useful for my unfinished marble run.

I bought a 10m long aluminium wire immediately. I thought it might be too long but didn't want to run out of it later, so I bought a long one. After all, it wasn't long at all.

Making a coil was easy; I needed only a little patience. The coil was long enough to connect two components.
Finally, the marble run is available to play with. I appreciate "B-dama Friend Channel."

Since I connected the coil, I occasionally played with the marble run. Still, some balls dropped from somewhere, so I have to find out where those balls came from. Now, I need to make the upper left half to finish it. I'm almost there.

1 Jun 2024

My Challenge to Make a Marble Run Machine - Pachinko Disk & Seven Arrows

Two mechanisms have been completed this week. I've never made such progress in my work before. In fact, my husband Juno helped me a lot.

One is named Seven Arrows, and the other is Pachinko Disk. I also made rails to connect these parts to each other.

Seven Arrows is, as you can imagine by the name, seven arrows that are like rails. When they receive the ball, they bow their heads down. Once the ball goes through, their heads tilt up and the ball rolls down to the next arrow. I like the rhythm of the light movement. However, sometimes two balls come at the same time and they drop one ball, so I have to correct it.

Pachiko Disk is named after the Japanese mechanical game, Pachinko. If you don't know Pachinko, please refer to the following Wikipedia page.




There are many screws stuck on the disk. The length between those screw heads is slightly narrower than the diameter of the balls. Therefore, they prevent the balls from dropping.

There are four wooden parts on the disk. They are obstructed and let the balls bounce at various angles, or sometimes they hold balls in a slight hollow. Sometimes, the balls that were kept in a hollow were tilted and dropped underneath at once.

Actually, Juno designed the disk parts. I first designed it, but it didn't rotate often and wasn't fun to watch. So, he managed to think of a design that rotates more. I always try to think of the best design using 3D graphic software, but until I make it and experiment, it's hard to tell which design is the best. That is why it took so long for me.

These two parts were the main projects this time. However, I had to connect all of them to other rails. It took quite a time to make those rails and a dish. The work required lots of patience.

I'll show you the progress of my marble run. Here it is. As you can see, the top left half is still empty. Well, what shall I make the next?